
Debbie Sheetz has agreed to continue to provide refreshments at our meetings this coming year.  Thanks for the tasty treats. 


John Kuhns said he has some items, denim shirts and sweat shirts on hand and to see him if anyone would like to buy or order something. There are also some T-shirts from the Car Show and that they should see him after him meeting if anyone is interested in purchasing merchandise. 

Car Show:

There was nothing to report on the 2007 Car Show at this time other than the date is September 2nd and we have already paid for the use of the Legion Keener Park. 

National Tour:

Western Region has started very preliminary work for the 2010 Founders Tour. Howard Finney, Chairman of this event has started to sign up some interested helpers and started making some facility arrangements but things have not yet gone into high gear. 



Will we restore the incentive program to chance car ticket sales? 


Don Brant resigned from the Board of Directors; he will remain an active member. 

April Opportunity:

The Laurel Highlands Region is organizing a bus trip to the AACA Museum and Library in Hershey to take place on April 21. If anyone has interest in this trip contact Howard Finney. The trip cost will run $25.00, which covers only the bus. All other expenses will be out of the attendee’s pocket. 

Idlewild Fun Days

Monday July 23 through Friday July 27, 2007. Bill Savage has made arrangements and is a good source if there are any questions.


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