The Board has decided to look at Corvettes as well as Mustangs as the Corvette prices for late 70-early 80 cars have been coming down. At Corvette Carlisle there were 8 Corvettes under $10,000 and 6 were in the $8,000 range. Anyone who sees either a Corvette or a Mustang should let the board know.

Nominations for 2008 club awards:
Last year we instituted a policy of holding nominations for the Jack Clark Award and the Foster Fike Award, so that the awards could be physically presented at the Annual Meeting. This evening we held nominations.
The nomination for the Jack Clark (Formerly Robert E. Levine) award, by John Kuhns, seconded by Ron Caruso went to Harvey Eger.
The Nominations for the Foster Fike Award went to: Tom Ulishney-31 Ford, Jack Wolfe-49 Chevy and Ron Underwood-56 Dodge Truck

Free Membership from National:
National has once again sent us 4 free one-year membership applications, which can be used only by persons who have previously never belonged to the AACA. Anyone wishing to propose a new member utilizing one of these free applications should get in touch with Howard Finney. The Region will also grant a free one-year membership to anyone who receives a free National membership.

This month’s 50/50 is $38.00 and was won by Harvey Eger
The addition of tonight’s $.25 badge fine and the $38.00 brings the Kitty to $170.75
The name of Karen McCullough was drawn and she was not present.

On the Motion of Harvey Eger, a second by Jack Wolfe and a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM

Submitted by
Ron Caruso


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