Nancy McKelvey our Merchandise Chairperson is not present however she has sent sample merchandise from our new supplier to the meeting for members to view and purchase. Regular order forms will be available starting next month.

Mark has pictures of the 2008 Annual Show, the listing of winners and the October Round-Up on the Website. These pictures are in color including the newsletter. Check it out.

Howard Finney is not present but gave Harvey the recently received new Membership Badges, which were passed out. The membership application from Eric Wigginton received the first reading. Eric was sponsored by Charlie Schifano and Dave Davis. If you were at the Swap Meet Eric, was the guy really working up a storm at the Vendor Service location.

2008 Rosters and Addendums are available. See Bob Inhoff

New Business:

2009 Calendars are in the process of being ordered and should be available at the next meeting

Annual Meeting:
John Kuhns will Chair the Annual Meeting. It will be at Dino’s on January 31st. Members price is $20.00

2009 Chance Car:
The Board is acting as the chance car committee along with assistance from Charlie Schifano and Tom Ulishney. Anyone else wishing to help locate a car for next year should contact Bob Imhoff. We looked at a Mustang last week, which is in need of some body work. We asked the owner to take the car over to Dean Raines in order to check out the extent of the work needed and to go over the mechanics of the car. The owner has been under the weather and has not been able to get the car over to Dean.


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