Christmas at the Cochran House was as good as it could be again this year. The decorations were beautiful and the meal was very good with a lot of different tastes. We also had a tough time getting our ladies out of the third floor shop. Get onto our web site to see  the great pictures contributed by Clay Stoner. 

Our annual meeting is coming up this month so I hope to see everyone at Dino’s on Sunday, January 27. No Steelers games and in fact no playoff games and no excuse. It gives us a chance to get together and conduct some important business while socializing with good friends. The gathering starts at 3:30 PM with the business meeting scheduled for 4:15 followed by the Buffet Dinner. Get that registration Turned into Harvey. Don’t forget to pay your dues to Barb.

I would like to apologize to Connie and Marianne, the ladies appearing on last month’s front cover. It was intended to be a great picture of two great ladies. The green cover did not show the girls up nearly as well as the color picture from my home printer. If you want to see a better picture of the girls take a look at the December Round-Up on our Web Site.

As I sit here typing and trying to put together this news letter, Jan 8 and 60+ degrees, I sure am envious of those who live in warmer climates.  I have to admit that I have the old Ford F1 sitting in front of the house. I couldn’t pass up the rental garage walking back from the morning business meeting at the Valley Dairy. I just opened the garage door to check it out but I could not resist connecting the battery to see if it would turn over. As a result I had to take it on a little spin and I might not finish this month’s issue until this evening.

See you on the 27TH
Happy New Year

Dick McKelvey


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