The January 27, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America was held on Sunday, January, 27, 2008, at Dino’s Sport Bar & Lounge, Latrobe, PA, commencing at approximately 3:55 PM Seventy Eight Members were in attendance. The Meeting was called to order by the President, Harvey  Eger, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of prayer and silence for members who are ill or have passed away. 

Minutes of the January 28. 2007 Meeting:

The Minutes of the January 29, 2006 Meeting were printed in the January Roundup. President Harvey Eger asked if there were any additions or corrections to those Minutes. The President called for a motion to approve the January 28, 2007 minutes as printed with the exceptions as noted by Barb Erny. Upon Motion of Jim Heatherington  seconded by Howard Finney and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the January 28, 2007, Annual Meeting were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:

Barbara Erny presented the Final Treasurers Report for 2007.  A Motion to accept the report as presented was made by Howard Finney, seconded by Dick McKelvey and unanimously carried, and the Final Treasurer’s Report for 2007 was approved as submitted. 

President’s State of the Region 2007:

Harvey J. Eger, President of the Western Pennsylvania Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, noted that the Region is in far better shape than this time last year. The 2007 Board of Directors has guided us through the financial woes of 2006 and developed a budget that brought this Region back on its feet 2007 has ended with a substantial surplus, thus enabling the Board to under write many of our activities.  President Eger goes on to note that we have already purchased our 2008 Chance Car, and the 2008 budget looks to be both manageable and flexible   President Eger goes on to note that the bad news is that our members are getting older and we need some new blood to chair and participate in planning our activities. We see the same faces at the meetings and we need these members to speak to the other members to become more active and recruit some energetic new members. Along those lines, we welcomed several new members to the region this year, and the President hopes that this trend will continue.


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