As stated in the minutes I feel it is neat to put together the newsletter especially working with contributions offered by the club members. I would like to offer special recognition n to Fred Nicholls for his “Remembering” series and Warren Sheppick with his Vacation Trip stories that were contributed before his illness. The pictures come from a number of people including my wife Nancy, but very often from Clay Stoner and Mark DeFloria from postings on our Website. Clay does great things with that little camera. During the year other interesting contributions came from Al Dings, the Finneys, the Ulishneys, the Carusos, Lawrence VanSickle  and Carol Calabrace as she covered the Annual Show. At the Annual Meeting there were several members who mentioned items they could contribute to the Newsletter so please follow up with those ideas. There are still a few articles on file that members have given to me and I will try to get them in ASAP. 

Also please remember to respond if you haven’t yet to our listing of members cars that will be included in the 2008 WPR Roster. We will try to get the roster out to everyone as soon as all the dues are paid and the membership is squared away for this year. 

I thought the Annual Meeting came off very well. It was great

to see everyone again. We got the annual awards presented and congratulations are due to our awardees. Congratulations also to our President and last year’s Board of Directors. In addition to business as usual they came up with two successful new events in the Fun Cruise and the Swap Meet. All of the members who participated in all of our events both from a leadership and worker standpoint also need a big pat on the back. They have established a high set of standards for the coming year.

Dick McKelvey


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