Through the years AACA has recognized the plight of its nearly 400 Regions and Chapters. The struggle to get new members was difficult. Here is kind of a scenario as to what often happened: 

The region would be hosting an event. Lets say it was a Tour or a Show. Someone, usually fairly new to the hobby, would find a region member and ask about joining that group. The member would smile and welcome them and explain that the dues were say $10 a year. The prospective member would be delighted that membership was affordable. However, the member would then go on and advise the prospect that you also had to join this national group and that was another $35 per year. Regardless of how good a value that was (AACA is still by far the least expensive of all of the major multimarque clubs and even most of the single marquee ones too.) its awful difficult to make a brand new prospective member understand that this sudden jump in dues from $10 to $45 was good value.  

Looking at the scenario presented above, you can easily see how a prospective member could be put off from joining. However, we believed that if this prospective member could actually see the value of AACA membership in action over time, then they would realize that AACA was actually a very good deal. To accomplish this, AACA is giving away totally free to each and everyone of its almost 400 Regions and Chapters in good standing four free National AACA memberships. Those free memberships can be used at the Region’s discretion but ONLY to first time new members. This action, while very expensive, also takes a major step to bring the relationship between AACA and the regions and chapters even closer together. AACA wants each region to know that AACA is always looking for ways to help our regions remain strong and viable. AACA also wants all of the members to see that their membership dollars are used prudently with the number one priority being to provide a great membership value to each and every one of you. 

Folks, the year is over now. Karen and I hope that you had really great holidays. Further I can honestly tell you that throughout the year your super Board of Directors carried through our 2007 theme. “We Work for the Members”. No it doesn’t rhyme, but it does make a whole lot of sense. 

Thank you for allowing me to be your President.

Best wishes for a great 2008 

Dave Berg
AACA 2007 President


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