Message from

the President

By David A. Berg
AACA President

Hello Everyone, 

As you read this, we will either be very near or shortly after the AACA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. My term as your President will have come to an end. It has indeed been quite an honor to have served in this capacity. With the help of our outstanding Board of Directors and superb cooperation from the boards of both the AACA Library and AACA Museum, we have accomplished an awful lot this year. We started the year continuing the work of the previous administration to successfully merge the AACA Library back to within AACA. If this sounds confusing, believe me it is. The lawyers are having a field day with it. However it is happening and as expected took a couple of years to bring to favorable conclusion. By the way, there are some nice perks for each and every member that come with this merger. You will now be entitled to some free research time by the library staff. The final details on this will be published during the year in your Antique Automobile magazine.  

This year has also brought about a reality to a once vague idea of a joint membership program with the AACA Museum. AACA will make a significant financial contribution to the museum on an annual basis. This will allow the Museum to function without the everyday monetary pressures that this type of first class institution would have to endure in its early years of operation. Does this mean you should stop making those generous contributions? Of course not. Both the Museum and the Library will constantly rely on your support for their growth and continuation of sound operations. However, this financial support from AACA will ease the strain for them. In return, you the AACA member benefits from this joint merger. I really love this part! Each time you want to visit the AACA Museum, and believe me it can be addictive, all you do is show them your current AACA membership card and you DO NOT get a discount! You get in absolutely FREE. Yes, I said FREE, NO CHARGE, Nuffin… Folks, that’s an amazing benefit. I’m by no means an economic guru but I do know that free is a good price!


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