National Tour:
Howard Finney reported that the Founders Tour Committee met on November 11. The number of committee members in attendance was smaller than usual. The committee will not meet in December or January with the next meeting being on February 10, 2009. The individual Daily Tour Teams should strive to have their plans completed by March. At that time there will be a need for additional assignments so please plan to attend.

2009 Chance Car:
Harvey reported that although we do not yet selected a chance car for 2009 we are in need of a Chairperson. This person would have the responsibility of overseeing ticket sales and scheduling of the car.  

2009 Swap Meet:
Harvey reported that we have received the contract for the 2009 meet and there was a change for this year limiting us to 50 Craft Vendors. Since this restriction was not part of the original contract with the Westmoreland Fairgrounds he is following up to renegotiate our rental agreement for the coming year.

We will be scheduling a February meeting to discuss the Swap Meet and recruit members to fill the jobs necessary support the September Meet.

There are some Swap Meet Dash Plaques and “T” Shirts available so if you worked the meet and have not received your items see Bob Inhoff.

Nancy McKelvey reported that we have logo clothing samples on hand and that she has developed order forms those members who wish to place orders.  

Howard Finney reported that we have four new applicants for membership: Chuck & Lee Speicher, and Dominic & Donna Surace. Howard read these names for the first time. We also have two applicants: Erik Wigginton and Ronald Sivak receiving a second reading this evening. Following the reading of Erik’s name and a motion by Dave Davis and a second by Tom Ulishney and Ron’s name and a motion by JohnWolfe and second by Clay Stoner both were accepted into WPR membership by a unanimous vote. 

We are still looking for a new Editor for the Round-Up. Dick McKelvey will not be able to serve as editor after completing the February 2009 issue.

Rosters:   2008 Rosters and Addendums are available. See Bob Inhoff


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