By Dick McKelvey

We started September off with a bang. Our 44th annual car show went off very well, just as planned. At this time I don’t have all of the particulars I need to do a wrap up so as usual that will follow in our October issue of the Round-Up.

The picture of the Chance Car winners on the front cover is evidence that that part of the effort was rather successful. We had a few unsold tickets but in the final hour the ticket sales rallied and although it was not quite as good an effort as last year it was much better than the 2005 effort. Stan and Eleanor who worked hard riding herd on the tickets along with those who moved the car around and sold the tickets are to be commended. How could we have gotten better poster board winners than the Shaw family. Hopefully we can recruit them into the WPR.

Hopefully next month we can recognize the people who made this show go when we get the committee reports at the September 18 meeting, We also will be recognizing those who were sponsors along with our show winners in the October Round-Up.


Note from Dodie Ulishney:

Dodie did get a request in right after the show concerning the 50 / 50 girls.

$$$$$$                      50 / 50                     $$$$$$

I Wanted to send a very special thank you along to Robin Kanick and Joyce Inhoff for their help with the 50 / 50, it was very successful. Couldn’t have been done without you both.    Dodie

Dodie, thanks to both you and the other two girls.


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