
Howard Finney Chairman Howard Finney had nothing new to report.

Chance Car:

Stan and Eleanor the Chance Car / Ticket Sale Chairpersons reported that ticket sales are slow and that we need to get the car out to more functions if we are going to be successful this year.


This year the Annual Picnic is scheduled to be held July 29, 2007 at the Cooperstown Club Picnic Ground. John Ross Kuhns the Picnic Chairman

reports that he intends to spice up the event with a balloon toss, etc. The cost has been set at $1.00 per member and everyone is encouraged to bring a desert.

Christmas Party:

Marianne Caruso and Connie Schifano our Chairpersons for this year’s Christmas Party, scheduled for December 1st at Lakeview reported that they have secured entertainment for the event. Our entertainment will be presented by Kathy Rhoads, who sings the songs of Patsy Kline.


The Round-Up did not get mailed out before the June meeting because we did not get the May Minutes coordinated. Hopefully it will be out on time, before the meeting in July. The last couple issues of the Round-Up have not yet been forwarded to Mark so he can post them on the Website and that will be brought up to date in July.


Mark DeFloria our Web Master reported that he sees a good number of hits on our Website


Nothing new to report this month.


John Kuhns reported that new hats are expected soon and jacket orders have been ordered.


Susan Eger rounded up tonight’s refreshments and a couple of our ladies helped with serving chores.

Car Show:

Carol Calabrace reported she still needs some help in some specific areas.


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