Remember to pay your 2008 dues. To participate as a member of our Western PA Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America you first have to be a member of the National AACA and then pay annual dues to our local WPR. When you pay your dues to our WPR Treasurer, Barbara Erny, you have to present your current “Paid Up” National AACA membership card with your National Membership number. Barb will stamp your National AACA card to show that you have also paid your WPR dues. You have to have your stamped 2008 card to participate in the vote at our January 27, 2008 meeting.  



 The old car nut went to heaven
All black and chrome was neat

It seemed like new but when you left it too
The connecting rods were beat

But there he found no streets of gold
No harp to play upon
Or even pretty maidens
Out dancing on the lawn

All he found was a note that said
“It’s tough you had to die
But now, you get to drive the cars
That in life you could not buy

Continued on Page 10


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