Annual Meeting:

The Annual Meeting will be held at Dino’s in Latrobe. A sit down dinner is planned and the cost per member will be $5.00. Details will appear in the December Round-Up.  (Reservation Form)

Board Elections:

Board Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting. Three Directors are to be elected for a three year term. Those interested in serving on the Board should contact Harvey Eger.

In order to vote at the Annual Meeting members will have to furnish evidence of payment both National AACA and WPR dues for 2008. National Dues and Region Dues are both due by December 31.

Contribution to the AACA Museum and Library:

A unanimous vote following a motion by Charlie Schifano and a second by Ron Caruso resulted in a $500.00 donation being made to the AACA Museum and Library by our WPR.


This month the 50 / 50 was $102.00. and $51.00 was won by John Kuhns. Badge fines of $1.75 were collected and added to kitty. Jim Pepper’s name was drawn and he was present and was a winner.

On motion of Howard Finney, seconded by Ralph Shearer and a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM

Submitted By, Ronald A. Caruso, Secretary


Excellent Body Parts
1968 Dodge Dart doors, complete, perfect pair. $300.00
1967 Ford Galaxie front clip, complete, perfect.$200.00
1969 Chevelle SS hood, right door & trunk lid.   make offer
(will part out this item individually)
Parts stored in barn in Long Branch, PA - Call 724-483-7206 after 5:00 pm


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