2008 Chance Car:

Tickets for the 2008 Chance Car are currently being printed. We will gather after the November meeting to place the tickets in the envelopes and tickets will then be available for distribution following that meeting.

Christmas Party:

Marianne Caruso and Connie Schifano are Chairpersons for this year’s Christmas Party,  to be held at Lakeview Lounge on December 1, 2007

A signup sheet was printed in the October Round. Reservations are due by November 19. (The day before the November Meeting)

The following discounts are available to Members based on 2007 Chance Car Tickets sold.

                100 Tickets………(2) Free Dinners

                50 Tickets………..(1) Free Dinner

                30 Tickets………..(1)  $10.00 Discount on tickets

                10 Tickets………. (1)  $ 5.00 Discount on tickets.

Westmoreland Fairgrounds Swap Meet:

Harvey Eger gave a report on the Swap Meet which was held at the Westmoreland Fairgrounds on September 28, 29 & 30. In summary the report stated that the event went very well, actually much better than we ever expected for a first year event. The region came out on the positive side actually earning some money ($1,295.41) and the event was well received by both the participants and workers.   (See the detailed report in the President’s Message on page 3 of this newsletter.)


Chairman Howard Finney reported that guests could express their desire to join the Region and the AACA National Organization and fill out membership applications at the first meeting they attend.

He also followed up on the reported that the National Organization has given the Region 4 Annual cost free National Memberships which may be used at the discretion of the Region for new first time AACA members. Discussion followed that the Region should also consider offering 4 matching cost free WPR annual memberships to  new first time members. A motion was made to implement the National & Regional membership plan by Howard Finney and seconded by Bob Imhoff and approved by the membership.

Newsletter, Website, Historian & Hospitality:

There were no reports from these chairmen.


John Kuhns has hats & denim shirts available for sale.

National 2010 Founders Tour:

Chairman Howard Finney had no report at this time.


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