Dick McKelvey


Boy, this winter got here in a hurry. I have been working to get more space in my garage so I could rearrange all the cars and make room for my 51 Ford Pickup. As of today I haven’t been able to complete the garage part of the project. The F1 is still in the rental garage and our trusty Chrysler van is still outside. That means that I’m scraping windows. It is supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow and Wednesday so my main effort is going to be to get the van back inside the garage. Thank goodness my buddy, I hope he still is my buddy, hasn’t chased me out the rented garage.

There is not much car cruising going on at this time of the year although it is always there in my mind. We have joined a number of our members have already made reservations for the AACA Eastern Division Meet in Gettysburg this coming spring. It can’t get here soon enough for me.

I’m thankful for the club members that have planned some events for this month and January. Our trip down to the Cochran home in Dawson last Thursday, December 4th, was planned by the Caruso’s. This year it was an evening tour. It was beautifully decorated and our dinner was as good as ever. The only problem occurred when Eleanor and Stan Kanick unavoidably used their to get a deer on their way in from Saltsburg.

Connie Schifano and Marianne Caruso have already set up arrangements for our Christmas Party at Lakeview on December 20th. John Kuhns also has set up our Annual Meeting and Dinner for January 31st at Dino’s

I hope I get my garage and car storage situation straightened out by the time these events occur.

Dick McKelvey


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