It’s hard to believe that 2007 is almost over.  Time sure flies when you’re having fun.  I feel that it was a terrific year for our Region, and I hope that everyone else feels the same way. 

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank this year’s Board of Directors for their dedication over the past year.  Many of you don’t know that the Board met almost every month, and I feel the results of their hard work was clearly evident from the success we enjoyed over the past year.  Special thanks are also in order to those Members who volunteered to plan each of the events we held and enjoyed, as well as to those who participated in the events that we held.    I sincerely hope that this spirit will continue as we go through the next year.   The success of our Region depends on the continued participation of our Members, so when the call goes out for volunteers, please offer to help, and when events are held, please try to attend.

Speaking of events, our Annual Meeting will be held on January 27th at Dino’s, beginning at 3:30 PM.  As you know, we will be electing three new Directors.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board, please contact Howard Finney, Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  And, if you have anything to offer for the good of the Region, feel free to call me, or to contact any of the Directors.  We always appreciate your input.

In conclusion, on behalf of the Board, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. 

                                                                        Harvey Eger


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