Annual Meeting:

John Kuhns, Chairman of the Annual Meeting reported that the Annual Meeting was held at Dino's Restaurant on January 28, 2007  He commented that there was some thinking that next year we should plan a more complete dinner type meal rather than type menu we had on the 28th and have used in recent years.

The President then asked if there was any old business which carried over from last year. Hearing none, the meeting proceeded to New Business. 



Howard Finney has agreed to serve as Membership Chairman. Howard was asked if there were any new prospective members to recommend for Membership and noted that we should all be trying to recruit new members, particularly younger individuals. Howard reported that Gary and Karen Swarer desire to join the WPR and their names were presented for the first reading. They are owners of a 1955 Belair and were sponsored by Bill Savage.   

Chance Car:

Stan and Eleanor Kanick have agreed to handle the 2007 Chance Car, including tickets and scheduling. They reported that tickets should be available shortly.  Anyone wishing to schedule the Chance Car, which is still buried in Harvey Eger’s garage, should wait until after the snow melts or June which ever comes first. Seriously, the Car will be available as soon as the weather breaks and the tickets are being stuffed in envelopes right after tonight’s meeting. Stan and Eleanor remarked that the Meyersdale Show is coming up March 25 & April 1and that is where the winning ticket was sold last year and they are scheduling Twin Lakes, June 30 to July 3. 

Kickoff Party:

The President reported that we have reserved the Legion Hall for a Kickoff Party on April 14, 2007.  At this time the President indicated that we do not have a chairman for this event.  The President then asked if anyone present was willing to serve as head of this event.  The President went on to state that if we don’t get someone to chair the event, we may not have a kickoff party.


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