A golf cart will be available for transporting both parts and people to their cars as needed during the show. We will collect “tips” to help underwrite the cost of renting the cart. If you are working the show please remember to bring your two-way radios. Also please wear your yellow T Shirts when you are working the Swap Meet.

Members will not be charged admission to enter the Swap Meet. A special area inside the gate has been reserved for members parking. Members wanting to enter their cars in the “Cruise” can park their car in the area reserved for the Car Cruise.

We need three canopies for the meet and we need someone to pick up door prizes for the Car Cruises.

Christmas Party:

Connie Schifano and Marianne Caruso remind us the party is on December 21st.


Nancy McKelvey reported that she has received some sample merchandise that has the wrong color logo and will be available at a reduced cost. The first products from the new supplier will be available at next month’s meeting.


Howard Finney reported that new membership badges will be on ordered as soon as he is able to put together an order for 14 badges, the number required for a make up order. Anyone needing new badges please advise him ASAP.


 Dick McKelvey has tendered his resignation as Editor of The Round-Up due to the press of other responsibilities. We are in need for someone to take over as Editor for the October issue.


Mark DeFloria our Web Master. Was not present and there was no report.


2008 Rosters are available. Please see Bob Inhoff to get your copy


2009 Chance Car:

The Board along with the help of Charlie Schifano and Tom Ulishney are acting as the Chance Car Committee for 2009. Anyone else wanting to help the committee should contact Bob Inhoff. In the past history we have had our best results with red Mustangs and purchasing them in the $8,000-10,000 range


This month’s 50/50 in the amount of $33.00 was won by John Rusnock. Badge fines and the addition of $33.00 brought the Kitty balance to $80.00. The member’s name that was drawn for the Kitty was Herb Miller who was not present. 

On the motion of Howard Finney, seconded by Ron Underwood and a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45. 

Submitted by

Ron Caruso 


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