Westmoreland Fairgrounds Swap Meet:

The 2008 Swap Meet will be held at the Westmoreland Fairgrounds on September 19, 20 & 21. We desperately need someone to pick up responsibility for advertising, which must get underway immediately. John Rusnock has already done some ground work, but he has indicated that he is not in a position to continue at this point, which is understandable.  


Nancy McKelvey is working as Region Merchandise Chairman. The first meeting with a prospective supplier is this coming week. Please recommend to Nancy any thing that might help in selecting merchandise, and possible vendors.  


Howard Finney had nothing new to report this month. 


Dick McKelvey again mentioned that the Round-Up really appreciates any articles, pictures or ideas that members would like to share. We are looking into printing the newsletter ourselves to be able to go to color and reduce costs. 


Mark DeFloria is our Web Master. He has posted a flyer for the Chance Car which can be printed out. There is also a flyer on the Swap Meet as well as other important information.  


Annual Car Show:

Our annual car show will be held on August 31 at the Legion Keener Park. We do not yet have a Chair Person for this event, as Carol Calabrace has indicated that she is stepping down this year. 

Annual Picnic:

Our Picnic this year will be held at Cooperstown Club in Latrobe on the 27th of July. John Ross Kuhns is serving as chairman. 

Christmas Party:

Connie Schifano and Marianne Caruso will again chair the Christmas Party. The Board has decided to provide free tickets to the Party to those who sell a prerequisite number of Chance Car Tickets. If a member sells at least 50 tickets, he or she will receive one free ticket to the Christmas Party. Any member who sells at least 100 tickets will receive two free tickets to the Christmas Party. Free tickets may only be used by Members: Non-Members will be required to pay the "guest charge". For example, a married couple who sell at least 100 tickets would receive two tickets if both were Region Members. If one of them was a Non-Member, the Non-Member may not use the free ticket, but will have to pay the guest fee. Once again this shows the benefits of both spouses being Members of the Region.  


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