Dick McKelvey

Since Meyersdale the weather has taken a turn for the better. The AACA Eastern Division Spring Meet in Flintstone, MD will be in a couple of days and I know we will be having a good number of representatives from the WPR going to Rocky Gap. It looks as though our season is getting into full swing. Why not after the great KickOff party last month.

Speaking of the KickOff Party, Sally Wirick and Molly Detwiler sure did do a great job getting the year started in the right direction. The food met with everyone's approval, especially that "Grand Finale Desert" and the entertainment provided by the Sweet Adelines could not have been better. Their singing was very entertaining along with the hilarious comments about the memories of years gone by and the way they incorporated many of our member's special cars into the commentary. I especially liked the performance of that Little Old Lady From Pittsburgh, Joyce Inhoff. Looking at the front cover of this month's issue you can see that Robin Kanick sure had a good time at the party and that is what it is all about.

I attended the Founders Tour 2010 Meeting on Tuesday, April 22 along with a nice turnout of other WPR members. Things are starting to roll. Come on join the team. There will not be a meeting this month but we will be back together Tuesday, June 10 See you at the Sheraton at 7:00 PM.  


A big thank you to Clay Stoner for pictures of our KickOff Party 


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