Fun Cruise Event:

The Fun Cruise will be from 6:00 to 10:00 PM on Friday, July 20 at the Legion Keener Park. This is to promote the WPR and to attract new members. Vice President John Ross Kuhns is organizing the event. The entry fee is $1.00.


The President reported that we still need someone to take charge of Programs for our meetings. The responsibilities include identifying and contacting individuals to present programs that would be of interest to our membership. These individuals can be from our membership or from outside organizations or businesses. Programs should be at least 20 minutes in length and should not last more than 30-40 minutes and do not necessarily have to be auto related.. The program Chairman should maintain a schedule of topics that can be included in our monthly newsletter so the members are kept informed of upcoming programs. The Chairman would also be responsible for welcoming and introducing speakers and making sure they have available any equipment they might need for their presentation.



There will be a Lincoln Highway Authors cruise at Ligonier Beach on July 21 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM A possible cruise is being considered.


John Ross Kuhns and his father John just returned from the Corvette gathering at Bloomington,IL. John Ross reported the sights and grandeur of the show which totaled some 2500 Corvettes. They even brought back a new purchase.


This months Badge Fine Kitty was $9.25 and was won by Bill Savage who was in attendance.  The 50-50 was $53.00 and John Rusnock won $26.50

On motion of Howard Finney, seconded by Tom Ulishney and a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM


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