By Fred Nicholls

When I bought my first antique car from Harvey in 1963, I did not know that there were clubs devoted to old cars. I found under the seat of the Model “A” coupe a small magazine about the size of a Reader’s Digest called Hemmings Motor News. It contained a wealth of ads for Cars for Sale and also Parts. I subscribed to the HMN for a couple of bucks. In fact a friend found a rear axle for his 1931 Willys, and then from the same magazine an “A” coupe in New York state which he bought. I then bought the Willys.  

While working on my “A” in the driveway a car pulled in, two men got out, introduced themselves and told me they also owned Fords. After looking at mine in conversation they asked me to join a local old car club, called the Punxsutawney Region, AACA. First I had to join the National Club, Antique Automobile Club of America. They gave me applications, sponsored me, and for a few dollars I joined. My mistake was that I should have paid a Life Membership for $100. 

At the meetings I met some very nice fellows. It was when I bought the “A” Roadster, and I was having carburetion problems. Two members, old time “A” mechanics asked me to leave it at one’s garage. They solved the gas problem and also a short in the pop-out switch. So being in the local club pays off. 

Ann and I stopped a few times at Hershey on our way home from vacation, to look for some item, and that was all AACA offered. But then we started to show the 31 Chevy at National Meets, and in 1966 at Hershey I was invited to join a National Judging Program. This started a new interest and I started to judge nationally.  But again Ann had no interest in judging, staying in the motel or motor home until I returned. 

Then we both retired, and decided to take part in the Founders Tour. This is wonderful, and with the VW or Corvair we met so many wonderful people and were admitted to some private collections not open to the public. I suggest to all, take part in these tours, with what ever car you have. You will enjoy some very good times and meet some great members. Do it while you can, before father time sneaks up on you, you will be glad you did.


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