Dick McKelvey


This coming year the Round-Up will be coming to you from a new editor. As mentioned previously I will be missing the WPR meetings every other month because of my involvement with Boy Scouting. . It is just too difficult to keep on top of everything that should be in the newsletter when I will be absent so often. I am pleased to announce that Susan Eger will be serving as your editor. I know she will do a great job and will make the Round-Up be of greater interest to our members.

I have enjoyed serving as editor since it gave me the opportunity to get to know many of our great members a little better and I will continue to be active in other WPR activities. Right from the start of my tour I knew that I didn’t have the computer savvy or ingenuity of our past Editor, current Webmaster and Past President, Mark DeFloria who did such a great job for some many years. I tried to give it my best shot in the time which I served although it was the product of a novice. My goal was to get all of the WPR news out to the members and get it out on a timely basis. I hope I did achieve that goal.

My biggest disappointment was the lack color in the Round-Up. When I printed off the edited copy of the newsletter at home the color pictures always looked super as compared to the black and white copies, which were commercially printed and mailed out to the membership.

My biggest thank you goes out to everyone who made contributions to the Round-Up, especially those who were WPR Chairpersons or contributed stories, poems, etc. to the Round-Up. An extra thank you goes to Ron Caruso for his more recent Sunset Kid articles and the travel log stories from old friend Warren Sheppick. I couldn’t wait until next month to get the info from Fred Nicholls for his next “Cars I Remember”.

See You at the Annual Meeting
Dick McKelvey


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