This year we have 3
nominations for this year’ Foster Fike Award for the Western PA Region
Member who has completed a restoration during the year and who has brought
that vehicle to a Region event
Nominees are:
Tom Ulishney 1931 Model A
Ford Sport Coupe
Ron Underwood 1956 Dodge Truck
Jack Wolfe
1949 Chevrolet Convertible
There is one nomination for this year’s Jack Clark Award for the Western PA
Region Member who has done the most for the club during the past year.
Nominee: Harvey Eger
Please complete the ballot below, and either turn it in to Ron Caruso at the
November meeting, or mail it to Ron. Mailed ballots must be postmarked no
later than the date of the November meeting, which is November 18th. Ron’s
address is as follows:
Ron Caruso
1858 Ridge Road
Jeannette, PA 15644
Foster Fike Award
Please vote for one:
____Tom Ulishney _____Ron Underwood _____Jack Wolfe
Jack Clark Award
Please vote for one:
_____Harvey Eger
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