Tours (continued)

6.)  Aug. 12 - Progressive Dinner Tour
.)   Dec. 4 - Christmas Tour of Cochran House Christmas & Lunch in Dawson

Charlie Schifano goes onto note that he will continue as Tour Chairperson n 2008 and has several Tours already in the planning stage: Arthritis Foundation Tour in Dublin, OH and Macungie. PA. Please contact Charlie Schifano with any suggestions, question or to arrange for reservations. 

Charlie Schifano goes onto note that he will continue as Tour Chairperson n 2008 and has several Tours already in the planning stage: Arthritis Foundation Tour in Dublin, OH and Macungie. PA. Please contact Charlie Schifano with any suggestions, question or to arrange for reservations. 

Fun Cruise 2007:

John Ross Kuhns organized this first year event and it came off very well. We had a DJ and 50 cars participated along with many more interested spectators. It was a great way to introduce our club to the community in a non judged informal format, it was a relaxed fun event and will be held again this year. 

Christmas Party 2007:

This year Co-Chairs Connie Schifano and Marianne Caruso picked up where Bettyann Finney and Julia Smith left off in 2006 and continued the tradition of a great Christmas party. The party was again held at Lakeview Lounge in the Lakeside Room. There were 84 people in attendance and again there were no complaints about the accommodations, food or great entertainment.  

Hospitality 2007

Hospitality was again provided this year by, Debbie Sheetz and friends; Thanks to everyone who helped. There was a round of applause for the very much appreciated hospitality.  

News Letter 2007:

Dick McKelvey reported that it was neat to put together the newsletter especially working with contributions offered by the club members.  He said he doesn’t know whether he can do a better job or not but he can now do it a little faster. 

Website 2007:

Mark Defloria was not present to submit his final report, no report was given. 

Merchandise 2007:

John Kuhns was not available but a report was submitted by the President. Harvey noted that John will be stepping down a Chair of the Club Merchandise and asking for someone to take over this position.


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