As most of you know, we have had a very successful year. Our Car Show exceeded our expectations, thanks to the efforts of a large segment of our Membership. Our Swap Meet enjoyed modest success this year, again, thanks to the efforts to a smaller group of Members. As a result, the Board has decided to reward those of you who worked at these events by adjusting your cost for attending the Annual Meeting.

If you worked at both the Car Show and the Swap Meet, you may attend the Annual Meeting at no cost whatsoever. Just indicate on your reservation form that you worked at both events. If you worked at either the Car Show or the Swap Meet, you may attend the Annual Meeting at a cost of $5.00. Just indicate on your reservation form that you worked at one event. Members who did not work at either event will be charged $20.00. Remember, these “discounts” are being extended to those Members who actually worked at these events; not to those who were merely in attendance.

Don’t forget, your National and Regional Dues must be paid, AND YOU MUST HAVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD FROM NATIONAL WITH YOU, to vote at the Annual Meeting.

Looking back over the year, I think our success can be measured far beyond the results of the Car Show and the Swap Meet. I feel that our other events were well attended and those of you who found time to participate had an enjoyable time. Our Membership continued to grow, thanks in part to the free membership program offered by National this past year. There was also a renewed spirit of help and cooperation as many of you volunteered to take a more active part in Region activities. I hope that this spirit continues to grow, as the Region cannot function successfully without your help.

As we near the end of the Year, I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this a terrific year for the Region, especially the Members of your Board of Directors. And for all of us who have served you during the past year, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year.


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