New England Tour 1984
                  By Warren Sheppick

Hey, spring’s back again, I heard the groundhog said it’s time to tour, turning to car shows, etc. So let me drag out one of our most exciting tours up the east coast to and thru New England and the islands. The year, 1984. 

We drove across PA to I-95 and had no problems until we stopped to refuel in the Bronx. Everyone gets lost but this is one to avoid. A duo of very questionable looking guys gassed us up and then began arguing about the cost of the gas, the last we saw of them was after I thru out some bills and took off. Incidentally, the Bronx, at that time looked like the aftermath of an atomic explosion. 

We crossed dual lane bridges over the Hudson River onto I-95. We later learned that our side, the north side, had collapsed shortly after our crossing and according to later news reports several vehicles went down. 

On up I-95 to New London and Groton Conn. This is our submarine base and we were fortunate enough to go aboard and tour the USS Croaker. Next door is General Dynamics where they build our nuclear submarines. It was time for bed. 

The next morning we continued on to Mystic Seaport, Conn. There we got to go aboard several sailing ships, many were in restoration. We were able to board the Gloucester Fishing Schooner, which at that time was one of the last ones. She had masts 113 feet tall and being a sailor, I was much impressed. Really in my element.  

On to Falmouth Mass, where we had called ahead and secured a Holiday Inn for several days, using it as a center for our operations. On the first night after dinner in a local eatery, upon exiting, we were greeted by a deluge, a flood of water, I mean it was unreasonable! By the time we got to our car, the water was up to our rockers. It was fortunate that our hotel was built on higher ground and we just made it back before we started floating.  

Next Month: Martha’s Vineyard, Chappaquitic, and maybe Nantucket?  


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